eleonas Hotel Rovies Evia Island Greece | Agrotourism | Farm
eleonas Hotel Rovies Evia Island Greece | Agrotourism | Farm

All hotels is Greece will temporarily close until 30th April

Dear friends,


Our Government decided, in an effort to stop the spreading of the coronavirus, to temporarily close the hotels and guesthouses until the 30th of April.

We will of course follow the rules. We will refund all deposits as well as the full payment of the “non refundable” bookings up to the 30th of April 2020.

Please stay home. Let us all do our part in protecting public and personal health.

Stay home! There are books on line to read, games to play, theatrical plays and films to watch, hobbies to learn. All on line.

There are old pictures that need to be organized, drawers that need to be cleaned etc

Look at the positive side. The air pollution will be reduced.

Unfortunately we have to postpone our hiking  event for the 11th of April .

See you in May.

kind regards

Marina and Stefanos


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