winter latest news |eleonas otel |eleonas estate
Dear friends,
I, on the other hand, am fighting against bureaucracy to get licenses to rebuild,
I am weaving to relax,
and… closing the childhood period of my life, taking the place of the adult now that both my parents passed away, just 7 months apart from each other.
We had snow for a few days and the landscape changed giving us opportunities for nice pictures.

Snow came and went and now on our walks we see blooming flowers. We hear redheads and blackbirds. Above our head fly the two hawks that remained here, despite the destruction of the forest.
Slowly but steadily nature is being reborn here.
This was the message we wanted to share with you with our Christmas card. Ecological and simple. Handmade and optimistic. With wishes to all of you for 2022. I would like to thank you very much for your cards and wishes.

Support for our local community comes with articles like this 52 Places for Travelers to Visit in 2022 - The New York Times
The New York Times includes Evia - 9th place- on a list of places that a traveler can visit offering help just by his presence.
(Click on the right side of picture’s picture- “show text”- to read the small article.)
Support also comes with actions such as:
• From the NGO "New Agriculture New Generation" and donor the Stavros Niarchos Foundation we got chickens to bring the new henhouse to life.
• From the environmental organization “we4all” with donor the RODOPI dairy industry we are getting 300 plants and together with volunteers we will plant them on the hill of our estate that borders the village on Saturtay the 26th of Feb. 2022.It is an effort to protect the slope and to start beautifying the view for those who live in Rovies.
Dear guests, you are responsible travelers.
You support the local market , you seek to meet the locals, you prefer to disconnect from the online world during your vacation and connect more with the real world. You are looking for well-being and mental health.
Thank you for appreciating what we offer and for giving us 9.6 out of 10 points on and 5 out of 5 on TripAdvisor.


We offer you an environment where you can slow down.
Try this feeling in your home as well.
Close your eyes. Take your time and breathe slowly. The minutes that tick by will feel a little longer. Open our eyes a little wider. Listen to every sound, notice the smells. Slow down.
This is important for your mental well being.
Keep this feeling until you visit us !
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