eleonas Hotel Rovies Evia Island Greece | Agrotourism | Farm
eleonas Hotel Rovies Evia Island Greece | Agrotourism | Farm

Food & Life Μunich | November 2022

r friends

October is gone with summer weather and two olive oil tastings combined with  guided tour at the Tower of Rovies. The history of the Tower is connected with the history of the olive grove and our estate.






It’s already November and the guesthouse is closed. You’ll think it’s time for a rest. But not yet.

Now is the season of harvesting the olives and producing olive oil. Now is also the season of food fairs and we participate to promote our Bio extra virgin olive oil.

We went to SIAL in France, a huge food fair, probably not the most suitable for our small size.

At the end of the month we will be in Munich.

At the Food & Life fair- Hall A4 stand 664- we will be selling this year’s olive oil and our olives.

We look forward to seeing you.  

If you have acquaintances in Munich, let them know.

The premises of the olive mill are taking shape and every day we have to make small or big decisions. Where will the sockets go, where will the door be,  what color the tiles will be, etc.

Our cat Chess holed up in a room and accidentally locked herself in for three days. We were looking for her and calling her and she didn’t meow. Now the room needs renovation!!

The plants, which you helped us water all summer, are growing. Some have already bloomed.


We are slowly starting to cut down the burnt tall trees . A laborious and unpleasant job.

...and of course the Christmas cards are being feverishly prepared.  

Plain and simple again this year.

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